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Owner and Support details
Owner: IT Department
Support: helpdesk@companyname.com
Link to application: Enterprise Integration / 03 - Integration Apps / IT / Help Desk Synchronization
General description
This solution serves to synchronize tickets between the internal ticketing system and the one that is used by our IT Partner.
There is 1 interface with 4 operations:
The Helpdesk system from IT Partner pushes tickets from their system to ours
Create ticket operation - Creates a new ticket in our helpdesk system, based on a ticket that exists in our partner’s system
Update incident operation- Updates an existing ticket in our helpdesk system, based on a ticket that exists in our partner’s system
Close ticket operation - Closes a ticket in our helpdesk system, based on a ticket that exists in our partner’s system
Get incidents operation - Generates a list with incidents in our helpdesk system, to understand what tickets must still be created in our system
API Management
APIM Endpoints
APIM Operations
Application Insights