Partner Portal Integrations
  • 01 May 2024
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Partner Portal Integrations

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Article summary

The partner portal application also includes a daily export interface which shows the activities that have happened in the partner portal.  The interface runs on a daily schedule and exports data from the MySQL database then puts it onto a storage share which is then used by the reporting team.

Turbo360 Business Apps

Below you can see in Turbo360 where the interfaces for the daily activity export are located.  This is where we will do the IT support monitoring so we can get alerts on any issues within this interface.

Turbo360 BAM

In BAM we have configured this interface to display to users how the interface is running.  The end users may want to check if the interface ran today so they can check that in the tracking view.

They can also check what happened with the interface.

BAM provides additional monitoring options such as the duration the interface took to run on top of the IT monitoring from Business Applications/


This solution is located at the following location in Azure.

Project Documentation

The project documentation is in the below location:


Note that this could be other teams or vendors who have put stuff in sharepoint or it could be elsewhere in Document360

Azure DevOps

Below are the locations for the




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Build Pipeline

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Release Pipeline

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Common Support Processes

Error in Logic App

The most likely error in this interface is an error in the Logic App.  In this case support operators can reprocess the Logic App from both BAM and Business Apps in Turbo360.

In this case its a save operator action to just replay the Logic App.

If the Logic App continues to error then you can check the run history which will tell you more about the specific error.  This can either be checked in Turbo360 or Azure Portal.  At this point its likely to be a more technical issue that needs review by the technical team so that would be a point to escalate a support ticket.

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