Service Bus
  • 08 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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  • Dark

Service Bus

  • Dark

Article summary

Owner and support details

Owner: IT Department
Support: helpdesk@<company name>.com

General description

The integration platform contains a centralized Service Bus (Standard tier) that can be used by interfaces in the platform that require a message broker.

The following resource types can be deployed here:

  • Service Bus Namespaces

  • Service Bus Queues

  • Service Bus Topics

  • Service Bus Subscriptions

In Turbo360 we can manage service bus in 2 ways.  In this section we are centrally managing service bus resources across the platform.  In other turbo360 Business Applications we can add specific queues belonging to an interface to be managed along side the logic app and functions that use them.

Monitoring and logging

For monitoring Service Bus Topics, a monitoring profile is used. With this profile, monitoring happens for:

  • Count of dead-lettered messages

  • User errors

  • Count of messages in the active queue/topic

  • Throttled requests

  • Server errors

For Service Bus Subscriptions, from the monitoring profile, monitoring happens for:

  • Message Count

  • Dead Letter Message Count

No logging is setup.

Automated Tasks

There is a non-scheduled task in place to purge Dead Letter Messages.  If we need to automate things like resubmit this would be done in the Business Application for the specific interface.

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