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Feature: Employee Benefits Interface
So that we can provide a great benefits management experience to our employees
As an HR manager
I want to send the data about employees and benefits to our new HR partner so their systems will allow employees to self-service employee benefits
Scenario: Green Path
Given the employee data is in the HR system
When it gets to 7am
Then an integration will trigger
And the integration will query the HR system to get all active employees
And the integration will query the HR system to get the benefits of those employees
And the integration will transform the data to the HR partners format
And the integration will deliver the data to the HR partners SFTP site
And the HR partner will process the file
And the changes will be reflected in the HR partners system
And the employee will be able to see the reflected changes in the HR partners portal
Scenario: HR system unavailable
Given the employee data is in the HR system
And the HR system is offline
When it gets to 7am
Then an integration will trigger
And the integration will query the HR system to get all active employees
When the integration will get an error calling the HR system
Then the integration will log the error
And the integration platform monitoring will trigger an alert
And the support team will review the issue with the HR system
And the support team will retry the integration
And the Green path scenario will now execute