  • 08 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark


  • Dark

Article summary

Feature: Employee Benefits Interface

  • So that we can provide a great benefits management experience to our employees

  • As an HR manager

  • I want to send the data about employees and benefits to our new HR partner so their systems will allow employees to self-service employee benefits

Scenario: Green Path

  • Given the employee data is in the HR system

  • When it gets to 7am

  • Then an integration will trigger

  • And the integration will query the HR system to get all active employees

  • And the integration will query the HR system to get the benefits of those employees

  • And the integration will transform the data to the HR partners format

  • And the integration will deliver the data to the HR partners SFTP site

  • And the HR partner will process the file

  • And the changes will be reflected in the HR partners system

  • And the employee will be able to see the reflected changes in the HR partners portal

Scenario: HR system unavailable

  • Given the employee data is in the HR system

  • And the HR system is offline

  • When it gets to 7am

  • Then an integration will trigger

  • And the integration will query the HR system to get all active employees

  • When the integration will get an error calling the HR system

  • Then the integration will log the error

  • And the integration platform monitoring will trigger an alert

  • And the support team will review the issue with the HR system

  • And the support team will retry the integration

  • And the Green path scenario will now execute

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